This is my performance for the MU213 - Algorave: Intro to Live Coding class. In this class, we learned how to use Tidal, a live coding environment which works together with the SuperCollider synth. Tidal is very expressive and lets the user combine and modify the samples in many different ways. Throughout the semester we dove deeper into complex functionalities of Tidal, recording samples. We originally planned to perform our final performances by hosting an AlgoRave party but due to the pandemic we instead gathered on Twitch to livestream. Here, I use pre-written code as well as write code in real time. Hope you enjoy it!
Here are some of the soundtracks and demos I composed. I mainly use my guitar to lay out a melody and use a MIDI controller to add the synthesizers. I usually leave most of the drums to Logic's own percussion engine, although I do edit some of the fills.